Dr. Sebi on the dandelion root, carrots, burdock root, pineapple, and cloves

Dr. Sebi on the dandelion root, carrots, burdock root, pineapple, and cloves
Dr. Sebi on the dandelion root, carrots, burdock root, pineapple, and cloves

Dr. Sebi on the dandelion root, carrots, burdock root, pineapple, and cloves

Cloves, scientifically known as Caryophyllus aromaticus, have been treasured for centuries for their numerous health benefits. With their antiemetic, antiseptic, carminative, aromatic, stimulant, and anodyne properties, cloves have a wide range of effects on the body. This article delves into the various health benefits of cloves, including their impact on the lungs, circulation, intestines, stomach, and mouth. Additionally, we explore the uses and preparations of cloves, including clove oil, and how they can be incorporated into daily health routines. Furthermore, we will focus on the efficacy of cloves in alleviating tooth pain, making it an invaluable natural remedy for oral health issues.

Health Benefits of Cloves:

Cloves offer a multitude of health benefits, thanks to their potent medicinal properties. One of the primary uses of cloves is in aiding digestion. The antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties of cloves promote healthy digestion and help alleviate conditions like nausea, vomiting, and intestinal spasms. Furthermore, cloves are known for their warming and stimulating effects on the body, making them beneficial for individuals with cold extremities.

Cloves also have positive effects on the respiratory system. They can be used to improve blood circulation, promote sweating during fevers and colds, and even assist in relieving symptoms of whooping cough. Additionally, cloves possess remarkable analgesic properties, making them useful in addressing toothaches when applied directly to the affected area.

Preparation and Usage of Cloves:

There are various ways to incorporate cloves into your daily health routine. For internal consumption, cloves can be prepared as an infusion by steeping them in hot water for 6-16 minutes. The recommended dosage is 1-2 tablespoons of the infusion, taken 2-3 times daily. Alternatively, you can opt for a fluid extract of cloves, taking 7-30 drops three times a day. Clove oil, a concentrated form of cloves, can be consumed by taking 1-2 drops three times a day. Lastly, cloves can be consumed in the form of powdered capsules, with a recommended dosage of 1-6 #0 capsules (2-10 grains) three times a day.

Cloves in Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide:
Dr. Sebi, a renowned holistic health practitioner, recognizes the health benefits of cloves and includes them as one of the electrical alkaline herbs in his nutritional guide. According to Dr. Sebi’s principles, cloves can complement the body’s biological structure, promoting healing and restoring the body to its natural state of health. By incorporating cloves into your diet or daily routine, you can embrace their therapeutic potential and contribute to your overall well-being.

In conclusion, cloves offer a plethora of health benefits and have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Whether consumed as an infusion, extract, or powder, or applied topically as oil, cloves can provide relief for a wide range of health conditions. From aiding digestion and improving blood circulation to alleviating tooth pain and addressing respiratory issues, cloves are truly a versatile natural remedy. Dr. Sebi’s recognition of cloves as an electrical alkaline herb further underscores their value in promoting healing and supporting the body’s healthful state. So, the next time you think of cloves, consider their breath-freshening properties, their potential as a mouthwash or toothache remedy, and their ability to aid digestion and relieve bloating. Moreover, keep in mind the benefits of clove oil in addressing inflammation-related pain issues. Embrace the power of cloves and experience their remarkable effects

Dr. Sebi Discussions About Carrots

Take the carrot: Crisp, juicy, and orange, but until about 300 years ago, carrots looked white. The Dutch selectively crossbred carrots as a tribute to their royal family—the house of orange.

Well everything that nature creates starts from the ground and it matures, then it produces seeds. Lastly, the seeds go back and incubate in the soil. Then, you’ll have another plant like the one that just dried up, and that is continuing throughout creation. There is a seed that represent that particular product. As for carrots it does not have a seed—a palate is made, there is no seed for carrots. Not only carrot is artificial, but it was made in Holland.
I talk about starch because I watched my grandmother, my mother, and my parents eat a lot of starches, then I looked at the various diseases that they are beset with: the high incidence of diabetes and bad hips. I just recently left where I grew up and I remember a friend of mine by the name of James.
We worked on a ship together when I was a merchant seaman, and we talk of many things and look and behold I have not seen this man in 20 some odd years and I saw him one day. He was always touching his eyes. He was wiping his eyes and I saw his big belly, then I also notice the way he walks and I was very hurt because he and I are the same age. So I know what starch has done…

Herbalist Dr. Sebi talked about the burdock root herb than any other herbs

Burdock (Arctium lappa) is the most talk about herb by herbalist- it was a well-known favorite by the famous natural herbalist healer Dr. Sebi. He claimed to have used the burdock root to treat arthritis and fed the fresh leaves to people who are anemic or lacking iron.
Dr. Afrika mentioned the burdock root in all of his books: African Holistic health, and Nutricide are among the few books to acknowledge the benefits of this great herb, the burdock root.
What makes the burdock root appealing to natural herbalist healers?

It appears every part of the burdock root herb is useful, which is quite apparent why it would be favorable to herbalists. The parts of the herb used are the root, seeds, and leaves: root-alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, and demulcent. Seeds: Alterative, diuretic. The leaves are used as a tonic. Every part of the burdock root as a form of medicinal property.

Uses of burdock root tea

According to Dr. Sebi the burdock root has a high mineral content-especially the mineral iron, which makes it very good for the blood. It makes since why herbalists recommended burdock as the best blood purifier. It clears the blood of harmful acids. In the book natural remedies encyclopedia, burdock is referred as being used to promote kidney function, a purifier for chronic infection, rheumatism, Arthritis, skin diseases, and sciatica.

Benefits of burdock root

Dr. Sebi used burdock root to help skin disorders, like boils and carbuncles. He mentioned burdock good for relieving gout and menopause problems. The root of the burdock plant helps to eliminate excess fluid, toxins, Uric acid which can help belly flush; the plant burdock has antibacterial and anti fungal benefits. It may help against cancer because it acts as an antioxidant, for it helps to control cell mutation.
Burdock root elements
Burdock contains inulin, which is part of it source of curative ability. Burdock is extremely high in the mineral iron, which is very good for the blood. The burdock plant is the best blood purifier, which is why burdock is excellent for helpful in treating arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago, and sciatica.

Burdock seeds benefits

The burdock seeds can be made into a tincture or when extract, they are good for kidney and skin diseases. It is great for acne, chicken pox, eczema, boils, psoriasis, and all other skin diseases taken alone or with other herbs such as sarsaparilla. Make a burdock blood purifier or burdock tea of this amazing plant to experience what Dr. Sebi was talking about and find out why the burdock root was one of his favorite herb plant.

Why Dr. Sebi called the dandelion root herb “the silent doctor”?

Dandelion lion root (taraxacum officinale) has gotten the highest praise from herbalist Dr. Sebi along with many other natural healers such as the late great Dr. Alvenia Fulton, Dr. Afrika, and most recent natural nutritionist brother dick Gregory. Queen Afua mentioned dandelion as "juices to the rescue” for detoxifying. Dandelion root is part of her womb wellness cleansing food plan. What makes this herb so highly revered by these naturalists?

Dandelion root once said by Dr. Sebi to have been used to treat all of the seven major organs in the human body. I now understands why because I fact checked the benefits of the dandelion root herb. The parts of the herb used are the leaves and its roots. The organs the herb affects are listed below.
Dandelion properties are galactagogue, astringent alternative, stomachic, lithotriptic, hepatic, diuretic, and cholagogue.

Dandelion affects the blood, pancreas, gallbladder, intestine, kidneys, liver, and stomach. It now makes sense why Dr. Sebi used dandelion root to treat the major organs. Queen Afua said to drink dandelion tea made from its leaves and roots to strengthen the woman womb. She recommended it for anemia, and she even said dandelion tea purifies and expel acid from the blood. So, let's explore even more powerful healing properties of the dandelion root herb.
Purposes and healing benefits of dandelion root

The root of dandelion affects many forms of secretion and excretion from the human body. It removes toxins or poisons by acting as a tonic and stimulant in the body. Dandelion cleanses the liver and the blood. Diabetes is benefited because dandelion works well to cleanse the blood- eczema and dropsy are benefited from this as well. Dandelion root is high in the mineral iron; it is excellent for treating anemia. When taking internally, dandelion removes excess water and promotes the formation of bile: a yellow greenish liquid made by the liver to help the body digest fats. Dandelion reduces Uric acid and serum cholesterol. Lastly, dandelion tea is good for constipation, insomnia, and dyspepsia. Are you beginning to understand why herbalists called dandelion root the silent doctor?
Dandelion root cleanses the organs
To improve the good balance and functioning of the stomach, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys why not use the dandelion root herb tea. Dandelion root tea is good for gallstones, liver problems or liver detoxification, and stomachaches.
Here are some dandelion root recipes
• Boil and drink half a cup of dandelion tea every half hour until you get relief.
Decrease sugar in the blood with dandelion root tea (hypoglycemia)
• Drink one cup of dandelion tea two to three times a day and eat or maintain a nourishing diet of fruits and fresh vegetables.
Other awesome benefits of dandelion root
• can eliminate onset diabetes in adult
• Good for the heart because of the high mineral iron
• Lowers blood pressure
• Good for boils when taken internally
• Relieves menopause symptoms
• Good for breast tumors
• Good for cirrhosis of the liver
• Good for constipation
• Good for liver and spleen enlargement
• Dandelion is good for fluid retention
• Dandelion is good for hepatitis, bronchitis, jaundice, and rheumatism. Researches have shown dandelion root cured hepatitis in about a week or more when one’s diet is nourishing and proper.

Dandelion root is truly a silent doctor. The best healer among herbs, no wonder it is loved by so many natural healers, including the well-known Dr.sebi. So many healthful benefits, a dandelion root can be prepared as a tea and its greens can be eating fresh as a salad. Be sure to pick some dandelion root tea or greens at your local market next time you are there.

Dr. Sebi on pineapple:

Dr. Sebi, also known as Alfredo Bowman, was a controversial herbalist and self-proclaimed healer who promoted a specific diet and herbal remedies. According to Dr. Sebi’s teachings, pineapple is considered an acidic fruit, and he advised against consuming it along with other acidic fruits. He believed that an alkaline-rich diet was essential for maintaining optimal health.
References: Queen Afua, Holistic health hand book, Dr. Sebi, Dr. Afrika, Dick Gregory